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spacer Delta Force Bandits Stats Comp spacer

DFX2 Stat Tournament Starting 5/4/2013 DFB Stats Have Been reset as 1:46pm Saturday

I thought instead running another tournament like i did with DFB Smack Down,I thought what better way to see who is the Top Dog of nova I thought the best way to track this is with our Bab Stats ,Granted some things might be querky with stats ,but for the most part it will show your kills,time in the server,who cares about the rest total kills verse Deaths is the goal right?. here is my offer to everyone in the whole nova community.
I will payout:
  • First Place $60.00
  • 2nd Place $25.00
  • 3rd place $15.00

A total winnings of $100.00 to these 3 places in our stats.I am going to run this for 2 months and each month there will be 3 winners i will see how it goes if everyone likes the ideal ill keep running it,So if you like winning money and you can back up your smack about beeing the best well prove it this is your chance to show your stuff.
I am putting up the money Myself,So all DFB members are also able to win and council members also.For myself,If lol i should finish in first place the next name in line will win and than the next spot for 2nd and than 3rd.


Posted by Blade on Monday, May 06, 2013 (09:13:27) Read More... (1.62 KB) |

spacer Smack Down Tourney for DFX2 spacer

DFX2 DFBandits are holding a 5v5 Tourney for DFX2

Sign up today:

Posted by Blade on Tuesday, November 06, 2012 (08:40:29) Read More... (1.99 KB) |

spacer BO Mod X2 Update spacer

DFX2 BO Mod X2 Update 1.2

Ultimax: Range taken off of it. m60 machine gun: No longer acts like a tank turret. mgazz66: Missing back texture added. Apache gun/rockets now work. Avatar menu disabled since you cant pick your character. Avatar characters picked depending on map Jungle, Desert, Snow. BO Rebel HQ 1 and HQ 2 had same id numbers which would cause HQ1 t show for both. Many Maps fixed. BTR-80 can now blow up tanks with effert.

Posted by Blade on Tuesday, December 15, 2009 (09:29:50)

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DFX2 Black Ops Mod X2 is an add on for DFX2.

As some of you already know we released the BO Mod for DFX2. You should notice a little less lag between shooting as the speeds of the bullets are alot faster. We also have working Body Armor in the game as well that does work. (does not work against sniper rifles!!!). Also the sniper rifles have been fixed as you should not get out shot from long distances by other close quarter battle weapons. We feel that the balance of DFX2 has been restored with this mod.

available in your download section

Posted by Blade on Tuesday, December 15, 2009 (09:26:40) Read More... (273 Bytes) |

spacer DFX2 MED Little Helper Released spacer

DFX2 Hey Hey guys!

Me and my friend BigJoe made this MED little Helper for DFX2.

It allows you to view each environment and each Time of day of each environment. so you can basically watch the whole day cycle right in front of your eyes in like 10 seconds.

It allows you to view the C, H and D views of every terrain.

it has a water color tool that will allow you to see the exact RGB value of the color you want.

It has the DFX2 Wave list provided by Dave61 from Nova hq right in the software.

And it has a DFX1 and DFX2 map database tool which will allow you to select your DFX1 or DFX2 directory and easily back-up any maps you want to a safe folder.

My friend Joe made the coding (actually his fisrt program he ever made ) and he made the map Database tool.

I took all 700+ screenshots for the software and made all of the graphics. and I designed the program layout.

And my friend Dave made the WAVE list which we added to the software.

you can download it with the online installer here.

We hope this is a big help to DFX2 mappers. and will encourage more mappers to make maps and to help keep Nova alive!

Happy mapping!

Posted by Blade on Thursday, August 20, 2009 (08:57:06)

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